E-Cigs—Just Blowing Smoke?
John Bond, a former smoker of 25 years, explains that he was previously consuming between one and two packs of cigarettes each day. As a result, Bond says that he was coughing up large amounts of phlegm nearly every morning—a habit that was quickly becoming an annoyance. While he was well aware of the many health and safety risks associated with smoking, as nearly all smokers are, Melissa notes that acommercial about the effects of secondhand cigarette smoke on childrenfinally broke the camel’s proverbial back.His wife said, “I always told him that he needed to stop, but it was a TV commercial that prompted him to finally call it quits,” says Melissa. “It shows a mother putting a child in a car seat, making sure all the safety straps are locked down. Then she gets in, rolls up all the windows, and lights a cigarette.” Surely such a brilliant commercial would motivate anyone to want to stop smoking, no? It was such an effective piece of anti-smoking propaganda that I felt it in my lungs just from reading about it.
“It tasted bad and the battery life was terrible. I didn’t like it at all, but I knew I wanted to go to something else other than cigarettes,” says John. “I tried a few different things, but they just didn’t work. Then, after I tried one of my friend’s E-Cigs for about a week, I went online and ordered one like we sell today. I’ve been cigarette-free since October, 2011.”Along with a complete lack of cravings, John notes that the E-Cig allowed him to avoid the intense phases of irritabilityassociated with quitting cigarettes cold turkey. His decision to quit even made it possible for him to run an entire 5K race earlier this year without any problems whatsoever—a feat he says would have been next to impossible when he was still smoking 20-40 cigarettes every day. Read more on e cigs Just BLowing Wind So, it looks like electronic cigarettes are indeed worth a try. I am sure there is no one method of giving up smoking that is appropriated to everybody, but I am equally certain that one of the smoking-cessation techniques that should be high on everyone's list should be this one, the most recently developed - electronic cigarettes. They worked for John - they really helped him turn his life around, so that he can run races now. It is very possible that e cigarettes added years to his life. Modern technology has done this for John. Is your life less precious than John's? I am sure mine isn't! I have been using these electronic cigarette for many months now, and I have managed to cut down on my use of regular cigarettes. It worked for John, it is beginning to work for me, and I hope it will work for you as well. I share my experience with you; now tell me about yours! We can all stop smoking and be healthy together. It gives me a warm, happy feeling to share my experience with you, and it would be a warmer, happier feeling to know that I have helped you at least this little bit
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